Category Archive for: Digital Marketing

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This is the 21st century where people like you & me have a shortage of time. The era of the modern world you can say. Before a decade people used to do marketing traditionally i.e. on paper, but now things are changed there are many options through which marketing can be done like social media, email, websites, mobile apps, content […]

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How Content Marketing Agencies are changing drastically? Content marketing has changed forever, post pandemic. You may have come across examples of this hyperbolic statement across the web. But the fact is content marketing and how agencies operate is constantly changing. The pandemic perhaps pushed the change forward a little more.  But change has been ongoing much before the pandemic. Quality […]

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What is Digital Marketing? Ever wondered how the daily GIFs, stickers, memes we send for communicating with each other; podcasts and latest reels we tune in to; the latest YouTube videos we wait for, came into existence? They are products of digital marketing. Digital marketing is the way of promoting brands to connect with potential customers with the help of […]

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