Take your Business to the Next Level with Email Marketing – [Updated 2024]

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We have all watched the famous movie You’ve Got Mail, right? Who knew back then that the transition from those bulky screens and dial-up connections to sleek screens presenting your emails on the go would be a part of the next digital revolution? Yes, you are right! We are talking about the highly underrated strategy of email marketing that, to date, has helped businesses from across the globe generate and convert a myriad of leads.

Email marketing might seem like old hat to some people. But the fact of the matter is that this marketing method remains as popular and effective as ever. Even a bald reading of facts and statistics would reveal that the ROI on email marketing far surpasses other marketing methods. In the grim post pandemic business climate, the effectiveness of email marketing to lure customers has taken on even stronger meaning.

Under Used

Despite the very obvious benefits of email marketing for lead and sales generation, many small businesses are still not using email marketing. Or if they are, not using it to its fullest potential. Smart email marketing can help take your business to the next level. And by getting on the train while not everyone has gotten wind of the benefits, you may even get to reap first mover advantage.

If you are still not convinced, know that the 2021 stats for email marketing reveal an even rosier picture. Some stats that we found particularly positive: 59% of consumers say emails affect their purchase decisions; Shoppers spend 138% more when marketed to through email, as compared to those who do not receive email offers; 91% of consumers open their email on a daily basis; 78% of marketers have seen an increase in engagements (including click-throughs) in the last 12 months.

If you’ve read this far, your next question is likely going to be but how do I make sure my email marketing succeeds. That’s a very good question. After all, a marketing method can be inherently effective but if it is not used correctly, the gains will be minimal or even nil.  Read on for our tips to email market like a pro and ways you can use email marketing to take your business to the next level.


Remember, customers’ time is at a premium. To ensure customers aren’t scrambling to find your subscription form, make it easily accessible on either the home page of your website or a handy link on your social media handles. Also keep the form short and sweet. Filling a form with endless details can instantly turn subscriber interest forever.

The best way to do ensure generating optimal results through this is to add a Google form that directly picks their information from their previous forms. Trust us; it would make a world of difference! The reason behind that is that most people these days might walk if any task is far too time-consuming.

Provide Clear Benefits Upfront

Make sure your subscribers know exactly what they stand to gain by subscribing. A standard line you may have read on many email forms reads something like “We take the issue of spamming seriously. And only send relevant emails at set periods.” A line like this instantly builds trust assuring customers that their inbox won’t be overloaded with unnecessary promotions for days on end. Also, make sure to mention exact benefits. For example coupons, promotional discounts, new product launches, special deals, exclusive subscriber gifts etc that will only come from email subscription.

Introductory Email

After you have earned yourself a subscriber, send an introductory email to set the tone for the future. Always remember to look at email marketing as a long term investment. Marketing via email needs to be consistent and clear to reap benefits. All email communication should be geared towards building trust, loyalty and long term association. And not just immediate sales. To that end, a introductory email could offer a first time subscriber discount to start off on a sweet note. And explain what the business is all about alongside.

Many a time, people might just sign up and forget about it. This way, you could leave a lasting impression.

Brand Building

Keep a consistent brand story throughout your email communication. Make sure your consumers can differentiate your email communication from other emails they receive in their inbox. Whether it’s a tone, a logo or color scheme, try aiming for brand building. Ever receive emails from Flipkart, Amazon or Big Basket, you will notice their logo is positioned upfront and center.

Easy to Peruse

Emails should be easy to understand. With newsletters or blog posts, you have the luxury of in depth stories. Email marketing however should be succinct and easy to scan through. Use a catchy subject line that is intriguing enough to click and hard to ignore. Emojis and exclamation marks have been found to increase open rate of emails. Use them also. Add bolding and bright colors and images to help readers process content better. White spaces, bullet points, big fonts and simple language to lure customers serve the same purpose. Some email subject lines that always work are targeted-Raining Winter Deals, mysterious-Psst…we’ve got an offer you can’t refuse, loyalty generating-An offer just FOR YOU. Play around with subject lines to see which fits your particular need best. Sending emails to inform customers of seasonal products-customize subject line to read something like – 50% Diwali discount all month-Hurry.


Much like with content marketing, it is extremely important to schedule your email marketing efforts. Create a scheduling calendar so you are always aware of how many emails you have sent out, in which month and to which customers. Scheduling will also help with better stats tracking. While a schedule is important, if your stats show that customers are unresponsive at certain times, avoid sending emails at those times or reduce the amount of emails you are sending overall. It takes a split second for a consumer to click the unsubscribe button. So be cautious from the get go with how you distribute your emails and when.

Trial Run

It is completely inadvisable to launch an email marketing campaign without a trial run. A trial run will help you iron out kinks in delivery and assess how your email content is coming across. Try different email platforms and devices and use your friends and family as test subjects to test suitability of campaign. Based on a trial run or ideally runs, make the necessary tweaks before launching the campaign to the general public.

Mobile Optimization

Optimize your emails for both web and mobile. This means making sure your subject lines and content is readable in the same way you intended across platforms-on the web and on mobile apps. Viewing, reading and accessing convenience for both Android and Iphone must be taken into consideration..

Avoid Spam Flagging

Make sure you don’t risk your reputability and trust by sending bulk emails to unsolicited customers. Only send emails to those that have specifically gave their information and requested to be put on your mailing list. Also, always remember to include a visible “unsubscribe” link. Reputable businesses cannot risk being flagged as spam. Avoid underhand tactics that will lose you customers in the long run.

Shareable Emails

Emails and newsletters that are particularly attractive and useful will definitely lure customers to share. Make that easy by offering a public link to the web version of your newsletter. Additionally provide easy to access social media links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Track Stats

It’s all about the numbers. Make sure you periodically monitor your open and click through rates carefully and watch for any discernible patterns. Tracking stats related to demographics can also help you tweak your content to be more effective in generating results.

Human Touch

Make sure your emails read less salesy and more human. Emails that read too obviously like promotion can be off putting. Your email language should read like the recommendation of a friend. Share information that can actually meet your subscriber’s needs. Segmenting your subscriber list will help with that. For example, segment your subscriber list into men women and age groups and send useful emails to said sections. During barbeque or camping season for example, sending across emails to the men in your list advertising related products that you sell will make a big splash. Or sending emails to your female subscribers relating to wedding outfits and jewllery during wedding season will help too.

Purposeful Marketing

Make sure your emails have a purpose. Don’t send emails just for the sake of it. Customers are savvier than ever and will not be duped by disingenuous spammy emails that serve no purpose. Do a brainstorming session at the start of the week to come up with topics, seasonal deals or events or exciting news. And if there’s nothing going on, don’t send a repeat email just to keep up with schedule. Put a pause.

Use a good template

What is the point of any sort of marketing if the customer or the lead doesn’t return? Email marketing can be a budget-friendly way of building a brand voice that is effective and crisp. Use good templates, tones, and UI. It should be hassle-free to skim through. Time is money! Make it quick and crisp to grab and watch the graph of leads go up through this trend.


We live in an era where fraudulent practices are rampant. Most customers look for authenticity and reliability when searching, surfing, or buying something online. A simple note of copyright at the end of the email gives the customer a fair idea that you not only take your business seriously but also have something unique to offer. At the end of the day, a coherent marketing strategy is all about building that trust alongside amplifying your reach. So, go ahead, add that footer!


We at Write Right have years of experience crafting interesting and results driven email campaigns for clients. Our research and SEO team works in harmony with content writers to craft emails that are clickable and more importantly sales oriented. Our proven tactics and client testimonials speak for themselves. Don’t wait a second more to launch your very own email marketing campaign. Contact us for end to end support TODAY!

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