How to represent your academic background in SOPs? – 2024

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Statement of purpose, commonly known as a personal statement, is a domineering part of your graduate and post-graduate applications. It serves quite analogous to that of a cover letter and influences readers to accept your application. But while debating about putting an impression on the reader, qualifications stand as an imperative determinant to aid you. Most readers in the SOP evaluation committee anticipate remarkable figures in your academic background that persuade them you are the precise fit for the university. While drafting your SOPs, the best SOP writers makes your academic background clear with figures and information that would impress the SOP Evaluating committee.

Apart from the SOP writers, you can also uniquely draft your own SOP. But you should never miss out on meticulous representations of your qualifications and academic background. Nations like Australia, Canada, and the US believe in evidence backing your SOP. SOP for Australia student visa straight out gets rejected if there is no clear representation of qualification and academic details. Suppose you are drafting your own SOP for USA universities or SOP for Canada Student Visa. In that case, this editorial will guide you to represent your academic details precisely and acquire Visas and seats in universities.

Customize your academic background

Drafting a mediocre SOP with monotonous information about your academic past won’t help you achieve the limelight. Instead, you need to make your academic background compelling with details, as it stands as a significant part of the SOP for Ph.D. AdmissionThe initial practice starts with customizing your academic past. You must mention all your school programs and projects that you have participated in.

However, it is not obligatory to start from scratch and mention every activity you participated in. Instead, you must make it crisp with significant projects that would boost your chances to win.

Show why you are qualified for any specific program

As an applicant, you apply to aspire to pursue your career in several programs. These programs may include Ph.D., MBA, MS, and many other graduating courses. Here you have to draft SOPs specific to your courses. In the statement of purpose for MBAyou need to showcase why you are precisely qualified for MBA.

While showing why you qualify for the program, you can always talk about your research projects and extracurricular activities pertaining to the program. Experiences in MBA also count; you can always mention internships and past work experiences. Besides, while drafting an SOP for MS in USAyou can showcase your proficiency in MS or prerequisites courses to grab the chance.

Be crisp and concise. 

SOPs, in general, demand a clear representation of information about the applicant. When you are showcasing your qualifications and academic background, you need to be precise with information. Don’t include unnecessary data that doesn’t add any value to your SOP. You should also make sure that all information about qualifications is accurate. Nations like Australia believe more in evidence than only information. Thus, be cautious while including any data, as you have to prove it.

Show them you deserve 

One remarkable way to show readers that you deserve a seat in the university is by connecting with your research interests. You can name professors in your ideal universities with parallel interests as yours. You can stipulate how you would like to work with them and mention some of their research that fascinates you. It is a unique approach to creating an imperious impression. Most SOP writers in India use this weapon in making your SOP selection-worthy.

Avoid focusing on the life story. 

In SOPs, selecting committee always looks for your academic details, work experiences, and activities you participated in. so, making it cluttered with a dull life story will eliminate you in the first chance. Thus, while drafting your SOP, emphasize telling about your activities and work rather than just using words to describe your life.

In other terms, you can also say let your work and participation describe your personality in the SOP. Apart from that, SOP offers you a restricted space with limited words to describe yourself. Don’t let unnecessary words ruin your SOP.

Ask professors for feedback.

After drafting an SOP, you must ask a professor from a relevant field to proofread it and offer feedback. You can utilize the feedback to edit your SOP for any changes. Professional Statement of Purpose Writing Services has a panel of experts who are ex-professors to proofread SOPs.

What should you retain, and what should you avoid in your SOP?

The statement of purpose that you draft must be precise enough to talk about you. Any unnecessary information can make your SOP boring, which straight away leads to rejection. So, when you are drafting your SOP, there are certain things that you must include and some information that you must refrain from writing about.

What should include in your SOP?

Your SOP should include the following information in sequential order:

Objectives: A section defines your goals and intentions for studying a certain program.

Career path: career path defines your career so far, and explain why you are best for the course

Academic progress: It helps the SOP readers to learn about your academic skills and proficiency

What not to include?

You must not talk about:

  • Your past, childhood, and family
  • Don’t write about your everyday life

Characteristics of a winning SOP that assures you selection

Now that you know how you should represent your academic background in your SOP, you can create a successful SOP without any hassle. However, successful SOPs do have some other qualities as well. Here are a few qualities of a winning SOP that a professional writer includes while drafting your SOP.

Personal touch

An SOP always needs a personal touch that makes the reader connect with the applicant. SOP in a generic tone will clearly define that the applicant has not created the SOP; rather, it is taken somewhere from the internet. However, when professionals create your SOP, they include a personal touch that makes your SOP more connecting. You can convey the reasons why you have chosen any particular university or college.


As an applicant for a certain program, or degree, you must showcase your passion for learning and innovating new ideas. The passion also lets the selection committee understand your attitude towards the program. Besides, even evaluators know that applicants with passion can excel and bring more reputation to their university.

Simple and effective English

Another most important quality of a winning SOP is a simple language. Most of the applicants create the mistake of using so many fancy words that sometimes change the meaning of SOP. However, the admission committee demands an SOP that is well-written and well-organized. Professional while creating your SOP, use simple language with such an arrangement of words that makes it more effective for the reader.


An ideal SOP also talks about the potential of a student. It concludes that the applicant has the potential to overcome any tasks and challenges and complete the program with better knowledge. In case, you can write about some of the past achievements that showcase potential in you.


Keeping it concise, these are the valuable points to contemplate while drafting academic background in your SOP. Don’t let your single chance of getting selected go away. You should incorporate all the above tips in your SOP.

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